A Hibiscus Tree Is Transplanted and Went Into Shock + How to Care to Bring It Back

Lockridge is an avid reader who enjoys learning about beautiful garden plants. Among other things, she has worked with a florist.


According to the Arbor Day Foundation, tulip trees thrive in hardiness zones 4 through 9, which covers almost the entire continental U.S. These trees generally grow quickly, at a rate of about 2 feet per year, and can reach heights of 70 to 150 feet in the forest and 40 feet wide at maturity. Tulip trees grown rurally are still large, but commonly grow only up to 90 feet tall. Tree trunks can often measure greater than 7 feet wide. Tulip tree flower petals are also large, frequently 3 to 8 inches long. According to Britannica, the tulip tree will reach full stature at about 200 years old.

Tulip trees thrive in full-sun conditions and prefer at least 6 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight each day, suggests the Arbor Day Foundation. Plant tulip trees in acidic, well-draining soil. Although the tree prefers normal moisture levels, it can tolerate drought in locations with high humidity.

Tulip trees bloom in two different colors: yellow and pinkish purple. The yellow flowering variety is often known as the Yellow Poplar (although it is not a true polar), whereas the pinkish flowering variety is commonly known as the Pink Magnolia, Chinese Magnolia or Japanese Magnolia. Both trees are part of the Liriodendron Tulipifera classification. Tulip trees commonly bloom in late spring, around May or June with fruit maturation commonly in September through October.

Many historical figures have had a relationship with the tulip tree. According to the Arbor Day Foundation, George Washington planted tulip trees at Mount Vernon, and Daniel Boone used the wood of the tree for a canoe.

How to Plant Tulip Trees

Plant the tulip tree as you would any other bare-root plant.

  1. Remove the plant from the packaging and examine roots for damage. Use a sterilized, sharp knife to remove any rotten pieces.
  2. Protect the roots from drying out, but avoid soaking them in water for more than 12 hours. Consider soaking burlap in water and covering the roots to keep them moistened.
  3. Dig a hole that about the same size as the root system, and at least 1 foot wider than the original container or packaging.
  4. Set the roots on a firm mount of soil and gently spread the roots to help grip the soil it was set on.
  5. Fill the hole about ¾ full with remaining soil, water, and then press the soil in by hand to create a firm hold.
  6. Re-water and add remaining backfill soil, but do not tamp down.
  7. Form a circular basin about 2 to 3 feet wider than the diameter of the hole to help keep adequate moisture levels; fertilize with a 20-20-20 mix.
  8. Water, and allow it to soak down fully; this allows soil to settle.
  9. Add mulch to retain moisture. Do not fertilize until after the next growing season.

General Care

Although tulip trees can withstand drought in areas with higher humidity, newly planted trees should be watered regularly to help the root system to develop properly. Once the tree is established, you need not water the tree as much. Fertilize the tree before the new growing season.

Pruning is essential due to the rapid growth of this tree. Prune dead wood and weaker limbs in later winter or early spring when the tree is dormant. Thin out the tree about every other year to promote overall health and keep the shape attractive.


Due to their massive size, tulip trees make a great addition to parks and rural homes. Avoid planting tulip trees in urban landscapes as they may overpower a smaller home.

Although the tulip tree is not native to California, many tulip trees have been imported to the state as a lining of streets.

Observe tulip trees for "scale" an insect that can invade the tree. Not only does scale deform the tree, it can cause an unsightly dripping sap that can damage cars.

Common Uses

In addition to ornamentation, there are many other uses for the tulip tree. This large hardwood tree is often used for things such as furniture, cabinets and musical instruments. Due to its size, the trees were often used as canoes.

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Common Problems

Although the tulip tree is relatively pest free, it is susceptible to scale when left untreated. Planting too many of the same tree so close to each other can exacerbate issues, so consider limiting the number of poplars in any given area.

Due to their extreme height, tulip trees may attract lightning, suggests the University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources.

Tulip trees thrive in well-draining soil, and like other trees are susceptible to root rot when exposed to too much standing water.

Helpful Resources

Arbor Day Foundation: Tulip tree

Monrovia: Tulip Tree

SF Gate: What is a Tulip Tree?

Britannica: Tulip Tree

University of California Agriculture & Natural Resources: Tulip Tree

Missouri Department of Conservation: Tulip Tree

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author's knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Questions & Answers

Question: How long does it take to have the first flower on a Tulip tree? I planted our tree last summer it looks very healthy and has grown about two feet but has not flowered as of yet.

Answer: Tulip trees don't normally flower until they are 15 to 20 years old. Expect blooms when the leaves are full-sized, around late spring to early summer.

Question: My tulip tree liters my backyard with dead leaves all summer long. Not just a little but a LOT. Any way to prevent this?

Answer: The tree is likely not getting the correct amount of water. Most likely the conditions are too dry to support all those leaves, and so the tree is dropping them like crazy.

Try watering the tree to reduce the amount of stress the tree is experiencing. A good rule of thumb when watering trees is to give it 5 minutes of watering time for every inch in diameter of the tree trunk. (So an 8-inch tree would need about 40 minutes of watering.)

Question: I've had a tulip tree for about 3 years. While healthy, it is not growing as tall as I would have expected- only grew about 6 inches last summer. I do fertilize. How should I help my tulip tree to grow?

Answer: Tulip trees are traditionally a fast-growing tree. Without much more information to go on, I wonder if weather conditions (such as extremes in temperatures) or unusually high or levels of water are to blame. I suggest contacting your local cooperative extension, as they will be able to give you information specific to your location. Visit https://www.almanac.com/content/cooperative-extens... for links on how to get ahold of experts near you.

Question: If the tulip tree received too much moisture during the winter (in the form of snow), what does it mean when the tree did not bloom leaves in the spring?

Answer: The tree may be suffering from root rot, but a specialist in your area would be better at diagnosing the issue. Start by contacting someone from a local Cooperative Extension service at a local college. Visit https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search for a list of cooperative extensions near your zip code.

To help issues with other trees in the future, particularly if your area is susceptible to too much rain or snow, consider adding a mound under trees to help direct water away from the roots.

Question: I have what appears to be buds or fruit on my tulip tree in mid August. What are they?

Answer: Tulip trees most frequently bloom in May or June, so I can't be sure. Perhaps a change in the typical weather pattern is to blame.

Consider contacting your local cooperative extension for more a more specific answer about your problem, as they would be more familiar with local issues or oddities. Visit http://npic.orst.edu/pest/countyext.htm for information on the closest cooperative extension to you.

Question: I have a 3-year-old tulip tree, about 6 feet tall, it is healthy but not getting taller. What should I do?

Answer: Tulip trees, like other plants, thrive best when in hospitable conditions. Ensure that your tree is receiving adequate water levels and has sufficient drainage, and that it has ample room to grow. If you've checked all the basics of tree-care, consider contacting your local cooperative extension at https://www.almanac.com/content/cooperative-extens... They may be able to provide more insight on plants in your region.

Question: How old does a tulip tree need to be to bloom for the first time?

Answer: Even a mature tulip tree may not bloom for quite some time, even as late as 15 years. Inspect branches high up though, as they tend to flower higher up on the tree first.

Question: Our tulip tree has been beautiful for the last several years. This year (2019) the leaves are smaller than usual and there are no leaves at the very top. I am starting to see some smaller flowers though. Our spring weather was warm, then cold, warm, then cold. Could the weather be the problem, or is there something else wrong?

Answer: I suggest contacting a local cooperative extension service with questions related to weather and plant health. Visit https://nifa.usda.gov/land-grant-colleges-and-univ... for a list (and locating service) for assistance.

Question: My 7 yr old Tulip tree is leaning a bit due to high wind exposure. I removed staking support after it was approximately 4 yrs. Can I re-stake to prevent further damage?

Answer: I sure would! Just be careful to avoid damaging the root system.

Question: I have little brown holes in the blooms of my Japanese magnolia; it appears to be an insect, but I haven't seen any on the plant. What should I do?

Answer: Your tree may be suffering damage from the the poplar weevil, which most commonly leaves curved "grain-shaped" rice holes in leaves. If the weevil continues to mature, it turns into a leaf miner, which can more significantly impact a tulip tree.

According to GardeningKnowHow, "Unless your tulip tree is very young or your weevil problem severe, there's no reason to attempt yellow poplar weevil control. The damage they cause to established trees is strictly ornamental and successfully killing them requires a great deal of patience and precision."

Read more at Gardening Know How: Poplar Weevil Information: Tips For Managing Yellow Poplar Weevils https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/trees/...

Question: We recently had a deck built around a mature tulip tree and some roots were cut, we are noticing severe leaf loss. We are watering three times per week, but I think the tree is severely shocked. What can I do to repair my tulip tree's shock?

Answer: I'd call a local arborist (tree surgeon) for a professional opinion. These professionals will be able to tell you what can be done to salvage the tree or to correct the issue.

Question: My tulip tree is losing its flowers; is this normal for June?

Answer: Tulip trees typically bloom in late spring to early summer. Sometimes, weather dependent, the blooms may only last for about a month.

Diane Lockridge (author) from Atlanta, GA on August 20, 2018:

I suggest contacting your local cooperative extension who might be able to give you a better idea of the problems to your particular area of the country. Visit https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search to type in your zip code and get a list of local professionals.

Glenda Hayes on August 19, 2018:

My tulip tree isn't a year old yet but is about 4' tall the bottom leaves are turning yellow and falling off. It gets watered regularly and is a well drained area. What could be wrong??

Diane Lockridge (author) from Atlanta, GA on August 14, 2018:

Try contacting your local cooperative extension service which may be able to better identify issues specific to your region. Visit https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/extension-search for a look-up using your zipcode. Hope they are able to help!

Becki on August 14, 2018:

My tree is losing leaves and the trunk seems darker. It has been planted about 2 years

Diane Lockridge (author) from Atlanta, GA on July 15, 2018:

Prune tulip trees in the fall when leaves drop, or in the early spring before sap starts to flow in the tree again.

Of course, you can do maintenance pruning once the tree has flourished, to take care of any excess growth or damaged limbs.

wanda hensley on July 14, 2018:

when is the best time to prune tulip tree

Louise Powles from Norfolk, England on March 12, 2018:

They are beautiful trees. I'd love one of them in my garden.

A Hibiscus Tree Is Transplanted and Went Into Shock + How to Care to Bring It Back

Source: https://dengarden.com/gardening/How-to-Care-for-Tulip-Trees

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